Our mission is to expand employee ownership across america.

our story

At Village Labs, we help businesses become employee owned by helping them set up and manage an employee stock ownership plan, also known as an ESOP. Our mission as a firm is to expand employee ownership across America.

When we first discovered ESOPs and the world of employee ownership, we were genuinely amazed. The simple idea of giving employees a stake in the businesses they work for seemed to be one of those rare things that was a win for everyone — employees, owners, the business itself, and even customers and the local community. But we wondered, why isn't this is a bigger thing? Why doesn't everyone know about employee ownership? What could we do to change that? From those questions, we founded Village Labs, a firm dedicated to creating more employee owned businesses and more employee owners.

Since then, we've continued to explore the world of employee ownership, visiting employee owned businesses throughout the country, attending conferences, and hearing the stories of employee owners. We've also been fortunate to work with fantastic organizations like the Pennsylvania Center for Employee Ownership, Baker Project for Employee Ownership, and many of the dedicated professionals who serve employee owned businesses.

Even though most people haven’t heard about them just yet, we’re optimistic that employee ownership will change America for the better: better paying jobs, happier people, stronger businesses, and more opportunities for everyday people to create significant wealth.

If you’re interested in working together or would like to learn more about Village Labs, please do reach out.